Friday, February 13, 2009


We gave the boys utensils today for the first time. You can see how it went......



Saturday, January 17, 2009

Please Touch Museum

We went to the Please Touch Museum yesterday with friends. Jackson and Lucas had a great time. It is more geared towards toddlers to twelve year old, but crawlers can have just as much fun.

Here is a picture of the boys in a bog. There were lilly pads that they could jump on that made different frog noises.

Here is Jackson playing w/ the butterflies.

Here is one of the boys eating plastic food that they bought from the pretend hot dog stand

We had a great day, loved hanging out with our friends and being able to discover new things. We will definitely go back again.

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

10 Months!

Jackson and Lucas are 10 months old! I can't believe that my babies are getting so big.


  • Crawls - sort of
  • Claps
  • Waves bye-bye
  • Loves his big boy car seat


  • Crawls
  • Pulls himself up
  • Walks supported
  • Waves bye-bye
  • Loves his big boy car seat


We survived Christmas! We spent the Holiday's up in Rhode Island at Mam and Poppa's. The boys did very well on the trip up and back.
Luckily they slept most of the way.
They were spoiled rotten by everyone and loved all of their gifts. Lucas kept following Mam all over the house. It was too cute!

Wednesday, December 24, 2008


The boys had Waffles for the first time today. Jackson really loved his but Lucas was not impressed. He kept spitting his out.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

9 month check up

Lucas and Jackson had their 9 month well baby visit on Friday. The boys are doing great. They have met their milestones and are growing as expected. Jackson is a hefty 18lbs 15oz and Lucas is 17lbs 12.5oz. Unfortunately they had to get another vaccine and have some blood taken. At the end of the visit Lucas decided to crawl off the exam table. Luckily he was fine. At least if he was going to get hurt we were surrounded by doctors and nurses.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

We have a crawler

I can not believe Lucas is crawling. I thought for sure Jackson would have been the first to take off. He has been rocking on all fours for the past six weeks. I think in the next week or so both boys will be crawling. I know what Matt will be doing this weekend! Yep - installing baby gates.